Rabbish rahli sadri wayassirli amri wahlul uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qauli.
"My Lord, open my chest for me, and make my task easy, and take away my handicap in speaking, so that they may understand what I say."
This was the prayer the Prophet Musa (Moses) (A) made when Allah commanded him to approach the Pharaoh of Egypt. It is said that Musa (A) had a speech problem which made it difficult for some people to understand him, and that Allah removed his handicap after he made this Du'a.
La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin
"There is no god but You. Glory be to You! I have done wrong."
*This was the prayer of the Prophet Yunus (Jonah) (A) while he was inside the belly of the great fish. He admitted his fault, and Allah saved him.*