Hulhumalé is the most ambitious and striving land reclamation and urban development project undertaken by the Government of Maldives to date. The perception for the development and expansion of Hulhumalé was envisioned as a significant step in improving the quality and eminence of life of the population and revitalizing the Maldivian economy. It is also with the intention to serve as an effective solution to the mounting problems of congestion within the capital region as well as a resource to facilitate and assist the continual growth of the country’s two dominant economic sectors, fisheries and tourism.
The master plan of Hulhumalé aims to achieve the objectives for which the island was created through efficient design and development concepts. Economic districts are designated with a view to provide an exciting environment to live, work and play. The districts include the Waterfront district, Bay View Condominium district, Downtown Commercial district, Strait View district, Academic district, Residential Neighborhood district, Industrial district and the Civic center. A diverse array of land uses are provided within the economic districts.
The master plan of Hulhumalé aims to achieve the objectives for which the island was created through efficient design and development concepts. Economic districts are designated with a view to provide an exciting environment to live, work and play. The districts include the Waterfront district, Bay View Condominium district, Downtown Commercial district, Strait View district, Academic district, Residential Neighborhood district, Industrial district and the Civic center. A diverse array of land uses are provided within the economic districts.